Many Individuals who are in the process of, or already after, a demanding time of reducing their body weight, also need to be careful about the indirect aspects associated with it.
WEIGHT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM was created for Individuals who need support in losing weight while maintaining balance on other levels.
The premise of this PROGRAM is to work with body and mind to effectively achieve the desired goal.
Each Client is treated individually, taking into account eating habits, emotional state, as well as lifestyle habits, so that the created PROGRAM is best suited to various aspects of His/Her daily life.
Choose from two available program options: BASIC or PREMIUM. Contact us to discuss the details: or +48 722 020 021.
- 1 session with Health Coach / 60′ /
- 1 DeepWork by BODYART session / 60′ /
- 1 consultation with a clinical psychodietitian / 60′ /
- 1 moisturizing facial treatment by Tata Harper / 45′ /
- 1 smoothing body treatment with a massage / 1h 45′ /
- 1 ICOONE body treatment / CELLFAT program/ 60′ /
- 1 coaching session / how to love your body / 60′ /
- 2 sessions with Health Coachem / 60′ /
- 1 DeepWork by BODYART session / 60′ /
- 1 GET SLIM diet program
- 1 personalized facial by Tata Harper / 60′ /
- 1 smoothing body treatment with massage / 1h 45′ /
- 1 ICOONE body treatment package / CELLFAT program / 60′ /
- 1 30-day RTT transformation